Special Wedding Order #67 2022 1/18/2022

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Special Wedding Order #67 2022 1/18/2022

Product description

Dress: 4 Yards Design. 2 Yards Plain Shimmering Kente

Men's Outfit: 2 Yards Design Kente, Additional Kente to eb used for sleeves to complete. Add 6 buttons with same distance in-between. 

Men's outfit will be Red to match Kente cloth color.

Back side will be same as front.

Pay attention the the cuffs and collar that are plain Kente cloth matching the sleeves.

Add same or similar designs to bottom of dress on left and right side on the line that separates the plain from the design. 

Address the flower in blue and gold at bottom of the top of the dress.

All Kente is done in the first pic seen but style in pics shown. Be sure to have the Kente align correctly on the Men's top best possible according to design. 


This is done with the cotton and silk and not the rayon, please pay attention to all details and measurements will be sent to you to send to the sewer. Any issues contact me right away. 


Due to be fully completed by 02/28/2022 for shipping.